What is real?

How do you decide and measure reality?

What do you think happens after we die, and what do you think our soul was before we were conceived (because we began to become a human being in the womb)?

Do you daydream?

Do sometimes time and space ‘bend’ or become different things for you?

What do you imagine about the energies of love and compassion, and information and cooperation?

Do these energies, and many other aspects of human interaction, have physical ‘mass’?

I don’t have answers, but I do have lots of examples of greater energies and different realities to those that we are conditioned to believe.

Thank you for being here, and everywhere :)

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reality myths


LiveWildLiveFree.org AlanChapman.com Educationalist/coach, plasma energies, healing, life/death/rebirth, metabolic health, story-songs, neuroplasticity, conscious-subconscious, realities, compassionate transformation, ancient wisdoms, infinite love.